The Butterfly Foundation, a philanthropic organization dedicated to helping women and families in need, donated two cars bought at cost by iFleetDIRECT to a struggling family as part of the 10-year anniversary celebration for iLendingDIRECT (the business formerly operated as Fleet Financial). Nancy Fitzgerald, who heads all three organizations, made the presentation to the Quenzer family on August 8th, 2016 at the company’s Centennial, Colorado headquarters.
The Quenzer family suffered a devastating setback early this year when their five-year-old son, Preston, was hit by oncoming traffic while walking to the grocery store with his brothers. Now helping Preston recover from severe brain injuries that have virtually incapacitated him, they needed reliable transportation both to get to work each day and a vehicle large enough to help take Preston to his medical appointments. The Butterfly Foundation donated a 2013 Toyota Sienna and a 2012 Ford Fusion, generously provided by iFleetDIRECT; to the Quenzer family.
Nancy Fitzgerald, President and CEO of ilendingDIRECT, calls the ceremony bittersweet. Established almost ·8 years ago while Nancys working as a news anchor reporting exclusively on distressing stories, the Butterfly Foundation helps families deal with extreme hardships and those who have ‘slipped through the cracks.’ Nancy knows all too well about loss and devastating circumstances as she lost her husband Patrick Fitzerald three years ago to a distracted driver while he was riding his bicycle home from work one evening. “While I will always miss Patrick, I am gratified by this opportunity to give back to the local community,” she said. ‘The Quenzers have been rocked by tragedy and deserve our support as they navigate this heartbreaking misfortune. Philanthropy is one of my company’s mission values, and purchase and refinancing of vehicles is what we do, so helping them just made sense. It’s our duty and privilege to give back.”