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Nominate Someone

Do you or someone you care about need assistance?


The Butterfly Foundation is dedicated to supporting people who have suffered a severe loss, illness, or other hardship by empowering them emotionally, spiritually, physically, or financially. We focus on those who do not have other resources or charities to turn to by providing services to help stabilize their lives.


If our purpose resonates with what you or your loved one has experienced, please nominate yourself or them today.  The Butterfly Foundation awards grants quarterly. The deadlines are March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 15. 

The Butterfly Foundation Wings of Hope Grant Application
Is the nominee a Colorado resident?

Nominees MUST be Colorado residents.

The request for assistance is for:
What is the nominee's age?
18 - 24
25 - 34
35 - 44
45 - 54
55 - 64
What is the nominee's current employment status?
Employed full-time (40 or more hours per week)
Employed part-time (up to 39 hours per week)
Unemployed and currently looking for work
Unemployed and not currently looking for work
Unable to work
What is the nominee's yearly household income?
Less than $20,000
$20,000 - $34,999
$35,000 - $49,999
$50,000 - $74,999
$75,000 - $99,999
Over $100,000
Does the nominee rent or own?
Why does the nominee need assistance?
Child hospitalized/diagnosed with a serious illness
Lengthy hospitalization of head of household
Automobile accident
Automobile repairs
Laid off from work
Home catastrophe - flood, fire etc.
Death of immediate family member (not extended family)

Please provide background information about the situation leading to the request for assistance.

Please describe what life has been like since the hardship or tragedy occurred.

Please describe how best The Butterfly Foundation could help the nominee rise above their current hardship or tragedy. Provide specific details --assistance can be focused on spiritual healing, physical healing, or financial assistance.

How would you like The Butterfly Foundation to help?

The Butterfly Foundation can help secure physical items needed to perform daily life activities, including those at home, work, and school. The Butterfly Foundation does not provide financial assistance for credit card debt, regular major medical bills, or major financial relief.

Options for physical or financial assistance:
Vehicle repair
Utility bills
Medical equipment
Healthcare resources
Childrens items, school items, clothing
Food security
Rental assistance
Housing repair
Mental health assistance
Options for emotional assistance:
Connection to a support group
Mental health support
Alternative therapy solutions
Connection to animal therapy resources
Options for spiritual assistance:
Massage or acupuncture
Personal makeover
Personal/family retreat
Spiritual retreat connection/support
Assistance with a hobby that is healing
Meditation or coping mechanism support
Other assistance received

Please tell us about any other types of assistance you receive currently or have received in the last 3 years.

Have you received support from The Butterfly Foundation in the past?

Include specific amounts received, frequency, and date most recently received.

Does your reference know The Butterfly Foundation will be contacting them on your behalf?
Does your reference know The Butterfly Foundation will be contacting them on your behalf?
How did you hear about The Butterfly Foundation?
Social Media
Add up to 5 files.
I give The Butterfly Foundation permission to use photographs or videos of me and my family in publications, news releases, online and in other communications related to our mission of helping Colorado families?
Are you willing to provide a testimonial of how assistance from The Butterfly Foundation has impacted your life?
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